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彝、汉文献所见之彝族认同问题——兼与郝瑞教授对话   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
温春来 《民族研究》2007,13(5):85-93
通过对相关彝、汉历史文献的分析,结合田野资料,从主位的角度,考察了彝族的族类自称、族源、世系的自我认识,是否属同一群人的自我界定,族内婚意义上的联姻情况等,以此表明,民族识别以前,在今天被划定为彝族的人群中,在较大范围内应当存在着族群意义上的认同.  相似文献   
赵杰 《回族研究》2007,(3):16-20
本文从康德"心灵里崇高的道德"与毛泽东"人是需要一点精神的"和《古兰经》关于"三状"源于心灵为序,从历时上评述了回族荣辱跌宕、历尽沧桑,"几度春风,几度秋雨"的心路历程,从而揭示了他们心灵沐风栉雨后更加清净的壮美。又从共时上亮化出回族忍辱负重、自尊自强的坚实心力,最后凸显出回族"先忍后强"的心灵之道对中华民族精神财富的充实,对增强中华民族凝聚力的启发。  相似文献   
青海省河南蒙古族与藏族交错而居,两个民族长期相互接触,由于族体规模上的差异和自然条件的原因,在文化传播中主要表现为蒙古族对藏族文化的采借和适应,以致从外部特征似难将当地蒙古族从藏族中分辨出来。但细加考察,蒙古族的客观认同和主观心理归属感仍然清晰可见。在融洽的民族关系中,蒙藏之间仍然保持着融而未合、和而未同的特点。  相似文献   
论团结抗日民族政策的历史作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了抗日图存,中国共产党制定了团结抗日的民族政策———建立抗日民族统一战线,主张民族平等和民族团结,各少数民族有自治之权,帮助少数民族发展经济文化,尊重其语言文字和宗教习惯的自由。陕甘宁边区和其他抗日根据地认真贯彻执行了党的民族政策,从而有力地推动了各少数民族的英勇抗战,赢得了抗日战争的最后胜利。  相似文献   
"一战"以前的国际法与"少数人权利"的保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“少数人”是非常古老的社会现象 ,而“少数人问题”却是近代社会的产物 ,并逐渐成为现代国际法十分关注的重要内容。近代以来的历史进程表明 ,“少数人权利”不仅是国际法中不可或缺的重要内容和组成部分 ,“少数人权利”本身的不断完善和进步又从一个方面促进了整个国际法的完善和进步 ,丰富和发展了现代国际法体系。尽管目前国际法中有关少数民族和“少数人权利”的内容大部分形成于第二次世界大战之后 ,但其历史渊源可以追溯到近代国际法形成的早期 ,许多内容又是在总结和吸取历史经验教训的基础上形成的。在这个意义上 ,回顾和总结第一次世界大战以前国际法中“少数人权利”保护的历程 ,重新审视国际社会逐渐发现、承认并尊重“少数人权利”的历史过程 ,是很有意义的  相似文献   
均衡发展是新时期义务教育发展的新方向。目前,朝鲜族教育面临着前所未有的严峻挑战,生源锐减、教育经费不足、单亲和留守学生增多、流失生现象严重、大量朝鲜族学生上汉族学校等。朝鲜族基础教育改革和发展的重点在农村,难点也在农村。  相似文献   
关于明代西北民族地区土地所有制的结构及其特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
明代西北民族地区土地所有制结构,是以封建领主土地所有制为主体,多种封建土地所有制同时并存和发展的。本文对此进行了全方位深层次的剖析,认为此时的土地所有制结构具有区域性、延续性、复合性、庞杂性等特点。  相似文献   
目前对于民族地区吸收FD I(外商直接投资),学界尚存在着许多错误看法,这些看法片面地夸大外国直接投资给民族地区带来的好处,低估甚至根本抹煞它对民族经济的负面影响。认为FD I对民族地区的经济发展只存在正面效应,因此主张越多越好。笔者认为,对于FD I对民族经济的影响应该从正、反两方面进行考察,应客观地剖析两大利益主体之间的博弈。  相似文献   
Muslims constitute 2.2% of the Australian population. Given the current socio-political climate and the limited research, the present exploratory study explores the relationship between acculturation, ethnic identity, self-identity, generational status, religiosity, and demographics among adult Australian Muslims.

A cross-sectional convenience sample of 324 adult Australian Muslims completed either online or paper-based questionnaires in either English or Arabic. Recruitment was via convenience sampling and social media advertisements. Acculturation, ethnic identity (MEIM), religiosity, and demographic variables were measured.

The study sample was young and mostly female, with high religiosity levels. Acculturation was negatively correlated with ethnic identity. From multiple regression analysis, acculturation was predicted independently by religiosity (low), age (young), gender (male) and ethnic identity (low).

First generation Australian Muslims were older, had stronger ethnic identity and religiosity, and more commonly self-identified as non-Australian. By contrast second- and third-generation were more likely to self-identify as bicultural or Australian.

In summary, acculturation of Australian Muslims is influenced by multiple variables, particularly ethnic identity, religiosity, and generation; hence all these variables need to be included in policy regarding successful integration of migrants.  相似文献   


The growing commercialisation of migration, often through a multiplicity of labour market intermediaries, is an issue of increasing academic interest. We seek to contribute to an emerging research agenda on the migration industries by exploring how one of the key actors that constitutes it, recruitment agencies, sits at the nexus between flexible labour market structures and migrant labour. Interviews with U.K. labour providers and low-wage employers form the evidence base for an analysis of the strategies developed by recruiters to derive commercial gain from connecting the so-called ‘supply’ and ‘demand’ sides of the flexible international labour market. We seek to contribute to understandings of the analytical categories within migration systems by illustrating how the migration industry interacts with other key stakeholders to structure international migration.  相似文献   
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